Ogun Police Arrests Man For Sexually Defiling Teenage Daughter

A 52-year-old man, Adebayo Akinrinoye have been arrested by the Police Command in Ogun for allegedly having repeated carnal knowledge of his 16-year-old daughter for over two years, Vanguard reports.

The police spokesman in Ogun, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi revealed this in a statement issued in Ota, Ogun.

Oyeyemi stated that the suspect, who resides at No.11 Kabiru Close, Idi Opatun bus stop, Matogun, Agbado, was arrested on Sept. 23, following a written petition by the victim to Agbado Divisional police headquarters.

He added that in the petition, the victim alleged that her father had been sexually abusing her since when she was 14 years old.

She stated further that all her efforts to stop her father from the act fell on deaf ears, hence her reporting him to the police.

“Upon receipt of the report, the Divisional Police Officer, (DPO), Agbado Division, CSP Kehinde Kuranga, quickly detailed detectives to the location where the suspect was promptly arrested.

“On interrogation, the suspect confessed to committing the crime, but pleaded for forgiveness from his daughter,” Oyeyemi said.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police, Edward Ajogun, has ordered the immediate transfer of the suspect to the family support unit at the Ota area command, for further investigation and prosecution.

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