The ‘Hospital Is Too Far’ Leaf And Its Importance To Human Health

Hospital is too far, also known as ‘catholic vegetable’, ‘iyana-ipaja leaf’, ‘lapalapa’, or ‘chaya leaf’.

It is a kind of vegetable. It is very common in the southern part of Nigeria mostly Edo state and Eastern Nigeria. It itches when rubbed against the skin. It’s a good source of iron.

They are known as Superfood and a medicinal plant that is why it is coined “Hospital is too far”. They are so rich in Vitamin A and C and other minerals like Calcium, Protein and Iron.

These leaves can be consumed by cooking them as a meal or taken as tea. Some Nigerians squeeze out the juice/water of these leaves and take it with milk for a medicinal purpose such as a blood supplement. It contains hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to the body when eaten raw. It is highly advised that it should be cooked for at least 3-5 mins to remove the toxins before ingesting it.


Hospital is too far leaf contains a lot of vitamin A, B1, C, and folate. It contains a large quantity of iron and fibre. It is also said to contain a beta-blocker.

This leaf has great benefits to human health some of which are;


Treats iron deficiency anaemia. It contains a large amount of iron and helps boosts blood production. The beta-blocker content in it is said to help regulate blood pressure.

It Improves blood circulation, and it helps lower blood sugar, therefore it is good for diabetics. It prevents Cough and helps aid digestion.

Hospital is too far leaf helps to treat constipation and acts as a laxative. It also helps boost Calcium in the bone and it can help with weight loss.

Iyana ipaja leaf is believed to help lower blood cholesterol and Improves Memory and Brain function. It can also help to Improve Vision

Hospital too far is believed to have some antimicrobial properties which can serve as antimalarial, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal.

Hospital too far is good for women and men’s health as it increases blood flow to the genital organs and in the process boost sexual libido for both sexes and makes them man last long In bed. It also helps boosts ovulation. And It stimulates the production of healthy sperm.

The leaves also help in the growth of healthy skin.



It is also believed to treat vagina discharge or vaginal infection by helping to increase the acidity of the vaginal making it difficult for infectious organisms to multiply.

As said earlier, it is not advisable to be eaten raw, it should be cooked before consumption.

Even when coming in contact with the leaf, one should be careful as it can cause itching.

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