In a heart-wrenching incident, young Najeebah, abducted along with her five sisters and father on January 9 in Abuja, has been brutally killed by gunmen. The assailants, after releasing the father, demanded a N60 million ransom for the daughters’ release by Friday, January 12.
Desperate attempts were made to collect funds from well-wishers through a bank account, but the efforts fell short, leading to a grim outcome. Despite the family’s plea for financial assistance, the criminals reportedly executed Najeebah, the eldest among the kidnapped girls, and left her body for her grief-stricken parents to bury.
Former Minister for Communication and Digital Economy, Isa Ali Pantami, confirmed the tragic killing on Saturday night. He disclosed that he had spoken with Najeebah’s father regarding the remaining kidnapped girls. The loss of Najeebah has left the community in shock, and condolences pour in as her soul is wished to rest in peace.