Trump Slams Biden ‘Weakness’ As Israel Violence Swells

Former US President Donald Trump has accused the Biden administration of “weakness” and lack of support for Israel amid an escalation of deadly violence in the Jewish state.

“Under Biden, the world is getting more violent and more unstable because Biden’s weakness and lack of support for Israel is leading to new attacks on our allies,” Trump said in a statement.

Giving accolades to his own administration as “the Peace Presidency,” Trump said Israel’s adversaries knew there would be “swift retribution if Israel was attacked” when he was the US president.

“America must always stand with Israel and make clear that the Palestinians must end the violence, terror, and rocket attacks, and make clear that the US will always strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself.”

According to Times Of Israel, several nights of clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli police, particularly around the flashpoint temple mount compound in Jerusalem’s old city, spiraled on Monday night into a confrontation in Gaza.

Since then, barrages amounting to over 1,000 rockets fired from Gaza by terror groups have killed five people in Israel. After retaliatory Israeli airstrikes, at least 28 Palestinians were killed in Gaza, with most said by Israel to be members of terror groups or victims of errant Hamas rocket fire.

The Biden administration on Tuesday, 11 May, called for calm and restraint by Israel and the Palestinians and urged both sides to avoid “deeply lamentable” civilian deaths.

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