UPDATE: How Ex-lover Of Senator Wamakko’s Personal Aide Reportedly Arrested For Allegedly Plotting His Kidnap, Murder

The Sokoto State Police Command has reportedly arrested the ex-lover of Abba Abbey Gidan Haki, a personal aide of Senator Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko, in connection with his abduction and murder, Daily Trust reports.


LIB reported that the 50-year-old married father of five was abducted on Thursday night, March 18. His corpse was found dumped along a road to Durbawa town in Kware Local Government Area of Sokoto on Friday, March 19.


According to Daily Trust, fresh facts have now emerged that Abba Abbey’s estranged lover betrayed him.


The lady (names withheld) has been arrested alongside some of the suspects, according to police sources.


It was gathered that the deceased was planning to marry her before they parted ways. After their separation, they kept in touch until the man was abducted.


A police source told Daily Trust that the lady conspired with the new lover she met after parting ways with Haki.


She was said to have conspired against her ex-lover so as to raise money for the wedding she was planning with the new man.


“When they realised that he had a zero-account, they killed him.” the police source said.


Another source said shortly before the man was abducted, the lady called and asked him to meet her somewhere.


When they met in the company of her groom to be, she was said to have introduced him as her brother.


“She then pleaded with him to take them to somewhere which he did and as he was trying to reverse his car after dropping them, one Volkswagen car blocked him from behind,” the source said.


The source added that the occupants of the vehicle came out with AK-47 riffle and forced the deceased away.


It was said that, the abductors seized Haki’s mobile phone and checked his bank account which was empty at the time.


“The leader of the gang then told the lady and her boyfriend that he would kill him since they would not get anything from him. He then, went back to where they tied him up and ran over him with with a vehicle,” the source told Daily Trust.

The Spokesman of the Sokoto State Police Command, ASP Sanusi Abubakar, who confirmed the development, said only the girl and one other person were in the police net.


He added that, one AK47 riffle was recovered from them, adding that investigation is ongoing.

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