Why Are The Young People Of This Generation Having Less Sex?

We are experiencing a sexless pandemic among young people.

In 2021, the General Social Survey found that more than 25% of Americans had had no intercourse at all in the year prior. This number was at roughly 50% in the 1990s, just fewer than 40% of Americans reported having sex at least once a week. Though the survey hasn’t been done in Nigeria, we can bet the statistics are similar.

Why is this?

Young people are overworked and depressed

Our parents didn’t have to work so hard to earn a living and have a family. Young people these days who are overworked, isolated, financially unstable, and lonely frequently lack the libido to pursue sex.

Being excited about life increases people’s sexual drive, and that’s obviously lacking. With the cost of living crisis all over the world, young people are stressed out about life. In conclusion, life is too tough in 2023 to be thinking about sex all the time.

Perfectionist standards from social media and porn

The current generation of young adults has grown up in an environment saturated with comparison and expectations, fueled by social media.

The human body is always on display, including the ‘ideal’ genital size, shape, and colour, sex poses, and sexual activity can all be seen online. Nudity and sexual content weren’t as readily available in times past as they are now.

The over saturation of sexual content and sexual bodies makes people shy and dissatisfied with their bodies and sexual experiences. Most men might expect women to ‘squirt’, and most women might expect men to have really long penises. At the end of the day, their sexual experiences become depressing from unrealistic expectations.

Sex toys and masturbation
Why pursue a romantic and sexual relationship with someone when you can use sex toys without drama and rejection?

Many people no longer require a partner to “have sex” thanks to the accessibility of sex toys and other masturbation tools. We are witnessing a generation of young people who are under tremendous strain and have access to a variety of indoor diversion activities.

Additionally, for some people, coupled sex may not contribute to overall sexual satisfaction or even orgasms, and it might be easier for them to enjoy sex when it’s solo.



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