‘Why I Dumped My Accountant Husband, Got Pregnant For Jobless Graduate’

..Says ‘he’s crap in bed; I had no choice but to look outside’ Husband, lover lay claim to baby

The seven-year-old marriage of an accountant with the Nasarawa State Government is in crisis after his wife got pregnant for an unemployed graduate.

Mr Jonathan Zugu is in a battle to save his marriage to Mrs Patricia Awu who, ironically, appears determined to say goodbye to their union because her husband cannot offer the satisfaction she desires in bed.

Zungu, an indigene of Kokona Local Government Area of Nasarawa State had studied Accounting at Nasarawa State University Keffi where he met Patricia, a student of Biology.

They took their romance to a higher level seven years ago by getting married after the mandatory national youth service and resided in Lafia. But while Jonathan got a job with the state government as an accountant, his wife was unable to get a job until recently.

In an exclusive interview with our correspondent, Zungu, who said he is the only son of his parents, disclosed that he was involved in a fatal accident that damaged his private organ, hence his inability to impregnate a woman.

According to him, Patricia had experienced a stillbirth in the first two years of their marriage but was unable to conceive again until crisis set in between them.

He said before the crisis between them began in January this year, his wife denied him sex for close to two years because she said he was not satisfying her sexually.

“Then within this period, she suddenly took in, and I knew that I was not responsible for the pregnancy. When I asked how she came about the pregnancy, she became angry and hostile, but I remained calm.

“One day, I went to work and forgot my laptop at home. So I suddenly returned home at about 12 noon to pick my laptop and found a young man by name Fabian Agi on top of my pregnant wife right in my bedroom.

“I decided that I would not accept that kind of attitude in my house, so I asked her to leave the house. She left and got a little apartment where she was delivered of a baby boy.

“I was actually preparing to take a second wife. All arrangements were in place before the ugly accident happened and damaged my private organ, and I will not be able to impregnate a woman any longer.”

But Zungu, who shed tears intermittently as he spoke with our correspondent, says she wants Patricia back and the baby boy to be adopted as his son since there is no marriage between her and Agi.

But while Zungu has threatened to take the matter to court, Agi said he was prepared to meet him there, saying that Zungu can take his wife but the son belongs to him (Agi).

Patricia has, however, pitched her tent with Agi in the matter, saying that Zungu should forget about the baby because it belongs to Agi and not him. She also told our correspondent that she would prefer to spend the rest of her life with Agi.

Already, she has moved out of her matrimonial home into an apartment with her new lover in Lafia. She told our correspondent that since Zungu decided to make the matter public, he should have been bold enough to tell the entire story that led her to get pregnant for another man and even moving out of his house before the accident.

Noting that Zungu hid the facts and she was prepared to expose all, Patricia said: “I got married to Jonathan (Zungu) seven years ago. When I met the guy, I thought he was the one. His sweet words made me to believe in him.

“He loved me and eventually, I fell for him. We were already in our third year in the university. We eventually graduated and went for 9national youth) service and we got married after our service year.

“I did everything to please him. I went all out to prove my love for him. I sacrificed my life for him but he was too blind to see all that. The best he could do was to suddenly stop having sex with me and he kept telling me how beautiful other girls are and how my hair style made him sick. He complained about almost everything in my life.

“This was after I became pregnant for him and had stillbirth. He changed completely from me. He stopped caring for me or treating me like a housewife. I started having low self esteem, feeling unworthy and unattractive.

“One day, he made a mistake by calling me a desperate woman. He told me that I was not the type of girl he wanted to get married to, and that broke me into pieces. I felt sad and dejected and even felt like committing suicide. But I thank God because I summoned courage to teach him the lesson of his life.

“I stood in front of the mirror and looked at the beautiful woman in it. I pulled myself together and decided that I would not complain to either my parents or his parents.

“Since he was starving me of sex and insulting me, I must have a way of giving it back to him. I decided to toast a young man, Mr Fabian Agi, who just graduated from the university and usually came around to conduct evening lessons for our neighbours’ children. He obliged and we were having good time on his matrimonial bed whenever he was away to work.

“It was either I visited him or he would come around. Within three months, I got pregnant for the young man.”

She explained that she left her marriage because she and her husband were unable to get a child after the stillbirth she had during the second year of their marriage, adding that her husband was not taking good care of her.

She alleged that apart from her husband bringing young girls into the house whenever she travelled, he was terrible in bed and had been so for seven years.


She said: “I used to like him, but I find him physically repulsive. His lovemaking is so boring and always has been. I have tried to explain to him and resorted to calling me a harlot and a prostitute, and it goes in one ear and out the other.

“I don’t want to hurt his feelings by saying he is crap in bed. But our sexless marriage has become a thorn in my flesh, and I had no choice but to look outside.”

“When he was dating me and up to the first year of our marriage, he was the best man I could ever think of getting married to. He was very caring and loving.

“But since I had a stillbirth in the second year of our marriage, he became sexually inactive. He never initiated any kind of sexual gesture and never responded to any.

“I have tried seducing him but he avoids me in a very polite and funny manner so that I don’t feel bad. It’s been about four years that we have had any intimate movement.

“I loved him at first. But right from time, I was utterly unsatisfied sexually.

“When he first started dating me some years ago, I gently brought this matter up to him a handful of times during the course of regular conversation

“His answers to me seemed to imply that he was the type who took some time to warm up to new ideas and with this in mind, I moved forward with him, believing that eventually our sex life would become more adventurous. But it hasn’t.

“It has been seven years since we became a committed couple, and if anything, our sex life has become more boring and certainly less frequent.

“Any small thing triggered his anger and he became enraged and verbally abusive in a matter of seconds. He would say some truly terrible things to me. So for peace to reign, I decided to get a sweet boy to service me, and right now, I’m ready to settle down with him

“Don’t forget, all this took place before he had an accident. He was toasting girls up and down and starving me at home. Now that he is disabled, he wants me back with a son that does not belong to him. It can’t work.

“I have largely lost confidence in him having my best interest at heart. Before my relationship with my husband, I had a very successful relationship, and we were exceptionally good, enjoying each other’s company.

“Fabian (Agi) is able and willing to provide that sexual satisfaction, love and care.”

When our correspondent contacted Agi on the matter, he simply said: “The child belongs to me but the wife belongs to Jonathan. If he likes, we can go and conduct a DNA test to ascertain the father of the little boy.”


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