Why You Should Not Gift Chocolates To Your Woman On Her Period

Buying her chocolates while she’s on her period is a red flag (pun intended).

So, your partner is going through that time of the month, and you’re on a mission to make them feel special and loved.

You’re probably considering hitting the nearest store to buy her sweets and chocolates. But did you know that chocolates may not be the best choice during your partner’s period?

I can imagine your reaction: “What? Why?” It’s true. Gifting your girl chocolates while she’s on her period could have negative effects. Surprisingly, not many people are aware of this, as chocolate gifting is heavily promoted on social media, leading many guys to think it’s perfectly okay.

During their period, many women crave sweets. While occasional indulgence is generally fine, you have to be aware of the impact it may have on her hormones during this time.

Funny enough, she may not even be aware of this. That’s where you come in as a partner, to educate and protect the woman you care about.

Without further ado, let’s jump right into why you should reconsider buying her lots of chocolates and sweets when Aunt Flo pays a visit:

Intense cramps

Chocolates will only make the cramps worse. Chocolates, particularly those high in sugar, can trigger inflammation and cause blood sugar levels to spike.

This inflammatory response and sudden increase in blood sugar can lead to extreme pain sensitivity and more intense menstrual cramps.

You don’t want to put her through that. Instead, you could replace that chocolate with fresh fruits like bananas, grapes, apples, watermelons and pears.

Unstable hormones

During her period, your partner may experience hormonal fluctuations that can lead to mood swings and emotional changes. Chocolates may provide temporary comfort, but they can also contribute to mood swings.

The rise and fall of blood sugar levels caused by consuming chocolates can increase these mood swings, making her emotions more unpredictable.

Instead of contributing to this unknowingly – because I’m quite sure no one wants to deal with an emotionally unstable person – think up other ways to support her during this time, like offering a listening ear, planning a relaxing activity together, or giving her massages and belly rubs.

The exception

You must note that not all chocolates are bad for her. Dark chocolate specifically relieves period cramps. Studies suggest that eating between 40–120 grams of dark chocolate daily during her period may help reduce pain. This is because dark chocolate is rich in magnesium, which can relax muscles and ease aches.

So, if you have to get her chocolates, be sure to read the label for “Dark Chocolate”.

Another thing to note is that instead of relying solely on chocolates as a gesture, consider other thoughtful approaches. You can surprise her with a cosy movie night, prepare her favourite comforting meal, or credit her account.

Make her feel special and supported during this time. Remember, it’s the thought behind the gesture that truly counts.


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