12.5kg Cooking Gas Price May Hit N18,000 December—Gas Retailers Warn

Olatunbosun Oladapo, the President of the Nigerian Association of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Marketers, revealed that the price of cooking gas, also known as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), has significantly skyrocketed at terminals.

The sudden increase has led to prices rising from about N9-N10 million per 20 metric tons to N14 million per 20 metric tons.

“There is a ridiculous hike in gas prices going on right now, and I am afraid that if the Federal Government does not step in to checkmate the activities of these terminal owners, price could reach as high as N18m per metric tons by December. This means that a 12.5kg could go as high as N18,000.”

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According to him, terminal owners were “hiding under the guise of high foreign exchange to increase price to further increase the suffering of the masses.”

Olatunbosun said there was no justification for the increment, as the Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas Limited still supplied the market.

He said, “NNPCL currently takes 59 per cent of the gas produced by NLNG, although NLNG has also increased its price from N6m to N8m. Now, because NLNG has increased price, NNPCL and terminal owners have increased price to N14m.

“The increase in price that would take effect is not the fault of retailers. It is the fault of NLNG and terminal owners. Even NNPCL is hiding under the guise that they are now privatised to increase prices. As of last week, 1kg was N800 at the terminal, now it is N1,200, and could reach N1,500 by December if care is not taken.”

He added, “Now, the ordinary man would not be able to buy gas. How many minimum wage earners can afford gas now? Everyone is turning to firewood and charcoal. The surprising thing was that they visited President Tinubu last week, and promised to work together with his administration to make life better. Now they have come back and started doing something else. Where are all the palliatives and busses they promised to donate? We have not seen anything

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