Afemai Reporters, a prominent media platform in Edo state, is abuzz with celebration and admiration for the CEO of Tarex Conglomerate, High Chief Lucky Ohimai. Described as the OGBODOLUEMI of Afemai Land, the ODUMA of Ujiogba Kingdom, and the EKPEN of Ebelle Kingdom, Chief Ohimai is hailed as a true leader and a beacon of hope for the people he serves.
According to Prince Raf Jimoh Omogbai, the CEO of Afemai Reporters in a statement issued in Benin on Wednesday, Chief Ohimai is like a king to the youths, transforming lives and empowering individuals through his numerous initiatives and projects. His dedication to the development of Afemai Land and his commitment to uplifting young people have earned him the respect and admiration of the people.
“I join family and friends to rejoice with the young, Vibrant, Energetic, philanthropy and Business Mogul whose antecedents continue to inspire hope in a new generation of leaders. Since I know you, you have provided a visionary and focused style of leadership that showcased the potentials in Nigerian youths,”
“You have demonstrated excellent leadership capacity in all your strides, you have exhibited an embracing and unifying strides, your boundless and unifying gestures is a worthy reference of national cohesion,”
He prayed that God would continue to keep him in good health to contribute more to the growth and development of our society.