In a significant show of support, the Uhunmwode APC leader, Mr. Osaze Imasogie, popularly known as “OzigiDon,” has donated the sum of 10 million naira to the APC campaign in his local government area.
Speaking at a meeting with APC leaders, Imasogie announced that the funds should be distributed, with 1 million naira allocated to each of the 10 wards in Uhunmwode. This strategic move is aimed at kickstarting the ward-level campaigns for the APC governorship candidate in the state.
“We must ensure the success of our party’s governorship candidate,” Imasogie charged the APC leadership. “This donation is a testament to my unwavering commitment to the APC cause, and I call on all our supporters to rally behind the party and its candidate.”
The generous donation from the influential APC leader is expected to provide a significant boost to the party’s campaign efforts in the Uhunmwode LGA. It underscores the importance of grassroots mobilization and the critical role that local leaders play in driving political success.
As the state’s gubernatorial election approaches, this move by Mr. Osaze Imasogie is seen as a crucial step in the APC’s quest to secure a victory in the upcoming poll.