PDP Primary: Why Delegates Shouldn’t Make The Mistake Of Not Nominating Philip Shaibu As Governorship Candidate

The primary election in Edo state holds great importance for the future of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and the state as a whole. It is a crucial decision that should not be taken lightly by the state delegate. In making their choice for the party’s gubernatorial candidate, they must consider the track record, experience, and vision of the potential nominees. One candidate who stands out among the rest is Hon Philip Shaibu.

Hon Philip Shaibu has established himself as a capable and dedicated leader, serving as the Deputy Governor of Edo state. His tenure has been marked by notable achievements and a strong commitment to the development and well-being of the people. His vast experience in governance gives him an edge over other contestants.

Moreover, Hon Shaibu has proven himself to be a loyal and diligent member of the PDP. He has worked tirelessly to promote the party’s ideals and agenda, earning the respect and admiration of his colleagues and constituents. His ability to unite different factions within the party is crucial in maintaining a strong and cohesive force ahead of the general elections.

Another reason the Edo state delegate should support Hon Shaibu is his deep connection to the people of the state. Throughout his political career, he has always placed the welfare of the people at the forefront of his agenda. His grassroots approach focuses on addressing the needs and aspirations of the common man, making him a true representative and voice for the people.

Edo state delegate must not overlook the importance of nominating Hon Philip Shaibu as the PDP gubernatorial candidate.

His proven track record, experience, and commitment make him the ideal choice to lead the party’s campaign and bring about the much-needed development and progress in Edo state.

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