Stakeholders Unveils Edo New Agenda To Aid Leadership Process In Nigeria

As part of Measures to aid leadership process and fast track economic development ” a socio-cultural, non-partisan organization dedicated to championing the principles of good governance and fostering the overall development of Edo State, ” The Edo New Agenda” have been officially launched and inaugurated in Benin City, the Edo State Capital.

Speaking at the occasion, Former Edo State Governor, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun said political leaders in Nigeria since thirty years ago have not moved the country to the part of development.

Chief Odigie-Oyegun who attributed greed and corruption by Most political leaders in Nigeria as among factors responsible for the current economic hardship in the country, said only leaders devoid of such Vices can move the country to the path of development.

He urged the” Edo New Agenda” to keep up with her good work as it will assist in the leadership process of Nigeria.

In a lecture ,Guest lecturer and former Chairman, Academic staff union of Universities, ASUU, University of Benin Chapter, Professor Julius Iyesele said leadership remains the bane of development of any Country.

Professor Iyesele stated although there was need for the overall hauling of the entire electoral process to enhance transparency and accountability in the Nigeria leadership process, only leaders with Vision can tackle the current challenges bedeviling the Country.

The University Don further appealed to all stakeholders to come together to aid in the development of Nigeria .

In a remark, Edo State Governor, Mr Godwin Obaseki says,the state Government will continue to put in place modalities for the overall welfare and wellbeing of her Citizenry.

Represented by his Senior Special Assistance, SSA on Political Matters, Mr Matthew Ikponwosa, Governor Obaseki said his administration will continue to engage critical stakeholders on the part of development.

Earlier in a remark, Convener of the event, Reverend Frank Ezele said ” Edo New Agenda” as a non partisan organization will continue to engage critical stakeholders in leadership process to move Edo State and Nigeria to a greater height.

He added that the body will continue to beem searchlight on aspirants with requisite Character and vision to move Edo and Nigeria to the path of development

There were good will messages from aspirants from various political party ahead Edo 2024 Governorship election.

The event with the theme” Governance: the role of the people in sustainable development” had participants from the Civil society organizations, Clergy, politicians and the media among others.

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